Thursday, June 02, 2005


Today I was listening to the radio, and the DJ asked for people to call in and talk about the bad relationship they were in (this was a rock station, so I don’t know why they were doing amateur therapy). One girl called in and she was telling her sob story: "Oh he’s really mean to me, and he treats me badly, and he wouldn’t let me live with him when I got kicked out of my apartment, and he makes fun of me, and all my friends and family hate him, but I’m still with him. What can I say? I love him."
Who are these women? Who are these men, more importantly? Every relationship I’ve ever been in I was working like a maniac to not fuck it up. "Oh shit, I forgot to call her, she’s going to be pissed…" "Wait, did I remember to tell her that I loved her?" "Shit, is her birthday celebration spectacular enough?" And so on. And I still always managed to fuck it up! The idea that you could be in a relationship with a woman, physically strike her, and not only will she not leave you but she will still love you, is so alien to me. But it seems to be happening all the time, all around. It’s happening right now. It might be happening to someone reading this. Is it me? If I started treating women like shit would they actually stick around? Would they like me more? (I’m not suggesting I actually do this, I’m just riffing, here.) Or is there a certain type of guy who is so… what? I have no idea. What qualities could a guy have that a woman would stick with him, no matter what? Looks? Money? Oh fuck, I don’t know. Whenever I try and write about society I just end up depressing the hell out of myself.


Blogger Loz said...

I don't get it either. I wouldn't stay with someone who so much as said he would hit me.
SOME sensible girls are just looking for a nice, normal guy.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Ubermilf said...

As someone who has been there and is watching my brother get equally mistreated by Cuntzilla, allow me to give my opinion.

Abusers don't just start hitting out of the blue. They erode you down to the point where when they DO start hitting, you'll accept it. He's probably spent quite some time verbally tearing her down, so that she now believes she "deserves" it.

Notice he's alienated her from anyone else who cares about her. She probably feels trapped.

Curiously, I never stayed because I "loved" TEO. I stayed because I felt a sense of duty to him, like he was an injured raccoon or something. But I guess I understand the women who claim they "love" these beasts.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Um, marrry me? ;)

7:13 PM  
Blogger Dash Bradley said...

I think these girls should go out with me. Then, they'll be like: "Hey, he's neither beating nor verbally abusing me. In fact, he's putting in a half-assed effort to treat me well. This is the BEST GUY EVER!"
Then everybody would win.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you tell a girl with two black eyes?

Nothing! She's been told twice already!

What' the first thing a woman does when she getes out of the abuse center?

The dishes if she knows what's good for her!

NOW you can laugh...You REALLY want to now!

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its all a conspiracy!

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very interesting. kinda makes you think

3:21 PM  

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