Monday, March 28, 2005

Didn't Suck

So I saw a movie over the weekend that I thought was the shit (not shit, mind you, the shit). It was called The Girl Next Door, which you may recall is the recent film about the high school kid who falls for a former pornstar. I was never expecting much based on the trailers, and the high-concept, but spurred on by a unusually complimentary onion review, I checked it out. To my great surprise, I loved it.
I know! But the film exists in the grand tradition of the nerdy-guy-who-grows-a-backbone-and-gets-the-girl. Ah yes, films like The Cooler, Once Upon a Time in the Midlands, In July, Mad Dog and Glory; these all hold a rich, warm place in me heart. Could it be related to the fact that I, yes, I am a nerdy guy who possesses a nerdily optimistic view of love? No.
But I found the movie really sweet; I loved the kids and thought they were very sincere. The porn-producer antagonist was great because he was so sympathetic; he really liked the kid.
Now, as usual I tried to share my enthusiasm with those bastards I call my friends, and met with derision and apathy!
"Ah, that movie’s just T&A." "Whatever, it was just okay." "I just saw it for the chick."
What the fuck! How could I be the only person who saw this film as romantic? Even the generally reliable Mr. Ebert came out with a surprisingly nasty review. I think people couldn’t get past the fact that the chick is a pornstar, and hence just not romance material. I don’t know. (That being said, isn’t it weird that whenever there is a "bad boy" in movies he’s always an ex-con or a drug dealer or something, but "bad girls" are always pornstars or prostitutes? So I guess the worst thing women can do is get involved in the adult industry. That’s kind of odd…) Anyway, what the hell’s wrong with you people? I blame the schools, really…
You know, the more I thought about the movie, the more it occurred how classical it was. It was almost like a historical drama, think about it: when we meet the hero he is terrified of damaging his reputation, yet risks it all for love. The heroine fears her tarnished past prevents her from finding a normal life, but loyal love proves her wrong. This is the making of a pretty good samurai movie… except it would probably climax with a big swordfight instead of the prom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm singing to the choir here, but... I am a nerd-loving woman. I always have been. While other girls would have crushes on the top athletes, I had a crush on the valedictorian. I don't understand why smart guys are overlooked. Exhibit A: In high school, my boyfriends wrote me poetry. My friend's boyfriend, a jock, waved a condom under her nose and said, "Do you want to, ya know, do it?"
Exhibit B: Smart guys are creative. Everywhere. Sex is MUCH better with a thinking man.
Exhibit C: Smart guys can actually contribute to a conversation, and you can take them to parties where they'll actually interact with other people in an intelligent manner.
I love geeks. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Dash Bradley said...

Thank you for saying it

1:46 PM  

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