Saturday, March 19, 2005

This is a Low

So last night, in the middle of a pub-crawl with a friend I was refused service by a bartender. Refused fucking service because I almost knocked over a bar stool. Can you fucking believe that? What really bakes my potato is that I was in that pub earlier in the day for lunch, and I tipped the same bartender four-fifty on a fifteen dollar cheque. And this is how the motherfucker treats me! That fucking bastard; I have never been refused service in my fucking life. Fuck him and fuck that bar. Fuck this city and everyone in it.
Fuck you, Dash Bradley. That guy was right, you did it again. You screwed yourself over, you dumb fuck!
On the brighter side, I saw a fucking great movie today. It was a German romantic comedy/road movie called "In July." It starred the dude who played Lola's boyfriend in "Run Lola Run" as a teacher who meets a Turkish woman and takes off for Turkey in pursuit of her. Along for the ride is this hippy chick who hasn a crush on him. Needless to say, complications ensue and the pair meet a bunch of nutty characters on the way. What was so wonderful about the movie is how everyone they meet is so eccentric and decent. It was so refreshing to see a movie about nice people being nice to each other. No one is shot, nothing horrible happens; there is one dead body, but there's even a nice story about that. You should see it, it left me feeling completely happy. What a lovely movie.
Unfortunately real life is not quite so lovely. As I was heading to work through the skywalk today, I saw a woman on the street collapse at the exact moment I looked out the window, which was creepy. She was just walking and then crumpled into the arms of the man she was walking with. I considered going to help, but I didn't really have access to the street; I'm not even sure what help I could have provided, anyway. So I just stood there like a dope and watched. What pissed me off was that a lot of people just walked by; they just walked right by this twitching woman! Fortunately a couple of dudes stopped and helped, and they carried her inside. I hope she's okay. Fuck, I should have gone down there; another pair of hands can always help. Damn it, this is the kind of shit that sticks with you.
Oh, this is odd; a couple of days ago a chick on a bar told me that I looked like a seventies rock star, and today a guy on the bus told me I looked like John Lennon. Apparently I've got it.
Going on, that is.


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