Monday, November 15, 2004


I'm posting alot today. I'm at work, and it's quite late, and I'm quite bored.
I just saw a blog from a redheaded girl, and it brought to mind an encounter of my own with a fiery redhead some weeks previous. It is, to my knowledge, the only instance in my life where i captured the fancy of a young lady, completely obliviously.
I should preface this story by explaining that i started this particular day with a rather impromptu, often private, 12 hour pub-crawl. I had been visiting an old professor of mine at the University I used to attend. After our meeting, I managed to snag a friend and we hit the campus bar for a few drinks. Anyway, 12 hours later I was at my neighborhood pub with two other friends. These two girls, one of which was the redhead in question, asked if they could sit with us as the pub was crowded. We agreed, of course, but they kept to themselves, and we to ourselves. One of my friends immediately hooked up with a girl who was on a date with a different guy(!), and disappeared. At this point me and my friend started talking to these girls, which I do have some memory of. What was actually said, however, is now utterly lost to the ether.
Regardless, when the bar was closing we invited them back to my friends apartment; and lo, they agreed. We walked over, as it was close, and just as we entered my friends' lobby, our redhead realised that she had lost the diamond from her ring. Gallantly, (I'm a strangely chivalrous drunk) I offered to search for it. So at 2:30 in the fucking morning, I scoured the rain-soaked streets for a fucking diamond. And my friends, i am here to tell you that I found the bastard! I returned, and she was mildly pleased. At best.
Just as well, anyway, as the (see above) 12 hours of drinking were catching up with me. I entered a semi-conscious state; while still drinking, mind you. Eventually, I realised I had been bested by the drink, and I excused myself with little fanfare.
The next day, I was suitably sheepish. I knew, had I been in a more coherent state, I might have had a shot with the redhead. But fuck it. C'est la vie. Life goes on. That night, I met again with my companion from the previous night, who had a bit of a shocker. The redhead had left her number for me. My friend is something of a teetotaller, and utterly invaluable in these situations as he remembers all that i have forgotten. Apparently, after I left she told my friend how interested she was in me. Not, as you may imagine, for my derring-do; nor for my shabby drunken charm. But, because for no discernible reason, at some point in the evening I yelled out "cunt!"
Now, i would like to think that I had a perfectly good reason for screaming an expletive that is traditionally rather unpopular with the ladies. As to what that reason may be I haven't the foggiest notion. Furthermore, I would not consider this moment as necassarily my finest. Let's just say i wouldn't put the incident on my resume. Our redhead, however, thought it just delightful. Okay. And the fact that I was staggeringly drunk? She really dug that i was so rude to her, although she thought i was a pussy for leaving when I did. Hmm. Dare I ask? Did finding the fucking diamond (2am! rain! tiny fucking diamond!) have any bearing on anything? Actually, it was a bit of a sore point. She was turned off that I did it out of kindness. Well, obviously.
So there was her name and her number, and her baffling attraction to me. Helpfully, the subsequent week i was switched to the coveted break-o-dawn shift at work. Let me stress that I am not a morning person. So, i considered, every day, giving her a call, but my sleep-addled brain couldn't process the challenge of calling a girl of whom I knew nothing. At the end of the day, i pussied out my friends. I finally left an anemic message with her roommate, after almost a week, which was mercifully not returned. Unfortunate, but I think I will return to this memory in my autumn years, and ruminate on what may have been.
Plus, apparently, I should scream "cunt" in mixed company more often.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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