Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dash Bradley: Unmasked!

I should point out that my name is not actually Dash Bradley. I will hang on to my actual name for the moment. The name dash bradley has two meanings for me, which I will detail nnnnnnnnnnnnnow.
Dash Bradley is a term me and my friend came up with many years ago to describe a certain kind of guy. This guy, this guy that we're talking about, is tall, good lucking, well groomed, successful. He's not stupid, he probably has, or is getting an education. He listens to all the latest bands, keeps up with pop culture. His friends are exactly like him. He has nothing of consequence to say. He has few original thoughts. Women love him, as an icon of dependable conformity. He is a dash-bradley. My friend and I came up with this term when we were both in school, he, college and me, university. It was a kind of shorthand to describe the kind of guys we were encountering regularily. Legions of clones with short, gelled hair, identical striped sweaters, those weird little chains. Maybe even (ooh) an earring.
"What's her new boyfriend like?"
"Ah, he's a dash-bradley." Etc, etc.

Later, during my schooling, I wrote a parody of a Buck Rogers-ish science fiction serial, starring a character named Bungalow Bill (after a Beatles song) . I later returned to the character for a story to be published in a classmate's fledgling fiction magazine. For some baffling reason, I was concerned about potential copyright problems should I use the name of a popular song in a published magazine. Regardless of the fact that the magazine was free, and I recieved no payment. Regardless of the fact that Michael Jackson owns the Beatles Catalogue, and my copyright infringement would be the least of his legal problems. Regardless of the fact that the magazine would most likely fold aftert the first issue, which it did. Regardless, I changed the name of my protagonist to Dash Bradley. It was the story of a shallow, two-dimensuional character thrust rudely into three dimensionality. Draw parallels as you please.

I decided to start this site on the spur of the moment and I had not put too much forethought into it. When it came time to choose a name for the site... I cracked under the pressure, and resurrected the name again.
Thus, the startling true-life origins of my alter-ego.


Blogger *********************** said...

I would have used a name like Lance Bredwell, or Kingsly mcQueen =).

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, another reason I LOVE you (and by the way, I never said I liked Waiter Rant's site. I just said HE seemed like a nice guy.) Where was I? Oh, yeah.

Like I said, I emerged from the very bad marriage quite hot and sexy. But I had been a nerdy brain in high school and developed a distaste for the "Dash Bradley's". So, when they started hitting on me in my 20's, I would torture them mercilessly. Because they are, as you noted, quite slow-witted with an awfully high opinion of themselves. Easy prey.

Then I would lavish attention on the sweet, intelligent, creative types. The Dash Bradley's couldn't believe what was happening. Ha, ha, ha (how do you type an evil chuckle?)

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm stuck home without a car so I'm cruising the net again. I decided to look at Waiter Rant again. So, I reiterate, he seems nice enough. But ... but many fawning, scrotum-licking posts??? I'm sorry. I know why you're frustrated, Dashie Dash.

I guess I'm a freak, too.

1:39 PM  

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