Wednesday, November 17, 2004

We-ell, it was a Wednesday

I seem to have pissed off one of the bartenders at my local bar. I've become kind of a regular there over the last few weeks (months?), and most of the bartenders know me. I do not, however, know all of them.
This is unfortunate, as I encountered one of them enjoying a drink as a patron. He started making a big deal about how I was ordering my usual drink. Seeing as how it was a dark bar, and I was at least three kinds of drunk, i did not recognize him. Now, in truth, he was being kind of an asshole, so I sort of ignored him. Now at the time, i thought I was ignoring some drunk asshole in a bar, no big deal. Imagine my surprise when I went back a few days later, and lo and behold.
So now there's all this weird hostility and tension when he serves me. Out of guilt, I'm extra polite and I tip pretty well, but I fear this rift will never be mended.
Incidentally, in case you're wondering, my favorite drink is rye and coke. Ya got the sweet coke and da bitter rye. Bee-yoo-ti-ful.
And so fucking what if i order it a lot? How is this your business? Asshole.


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