Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Sobriety: Week One

Okay, it has been one week since my last drink and I'm still here. People tend to scoff when I tell them how long it's been, but this is literally the longest I've been sober since 2003, if not longer.
So, okay, it hasn't been that bad. I've been out to bars, met new people, attended an improv show; generally activities that would send me scrambling for a bottle, but I handled it. People are still being supportive, which is cool, I don't know why I was expecting resistance. In my experience, sitting in a bar and not drinking generally draws derisive comments, but I guess dropping the "A"* word gets people to back off. I admit, Saturday was kind of a drag because I was hanging out with a lot of people who were drinking heavily, and I felt very envious. Club-goddamned-soda.
It's not intolerable being in a bar and not drinking; it's kind of like being in the office on a sunny day: you would rather be outside, frolicking, but it's not killing you.
Still, on the bright side, I got through the weekend without a) spending 100.0+ dollars, b) injuring myself, c) making an ass of myself in front of women. That's a good thing, right?

* "alcoholic," nimrod.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I'm the woman who loves smart men who commented earlier. I've never been an alcoholic, but a good many of us have had to face up to a bad habit or addiction that had been with us so long that it's become part of who we are. It can be a substance, and activity or even a toxic person. You probably expected resistance because drinking had become part of how you saw yourself, so you expected resistance to such a major change. There are positives, you know -- watching drunks while you yourself are sober can be fun. And you will be that much more charming to women -- hey, if I wasn't a married woman living thousands of miles away with two kids and a loving husband, I'd snap you up in a second!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Dash Bradley said...

Please, please, you're making me blush!
But what you said is probably true, I'm already seeing the positives, so i've got my fingers crossed

2:15 PM  

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