Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Ah, they only come out at night...

I managed to utterly shame myself yesterday. I stopped in at a little used cd store, and I picked up a David Cross cd. It cost about twelve bucks and I gave the cashier a twenty. I noticed he calculated the change wrong and he was giving me back a ten dollar bill. I noticed this, and said nothing. The cashier caught his error and gave me the correct change, and I tried to pretend that I didn’t notice. What an asshole I am. I immediately punished myself by getting drunk and walking around, while listening to the David Cross album. He’s a comedian, by the way, and a terribly funny one; I must have looked like quite the Christmas ham walking around, laughing to myself. No matter.
A very funny phone call, yesterday. A few months ago, a friend of mine left a pair of sneakers in my apartment. Yesterday, he left me a message saying he wanted to pick them up. I called him back in the evening to let him know he could come by whenever.

Him: I’ll be by around midnight.
Me: Midnight? What are you up to, right now?
Him: I’m at the fair.
Me: The fair?
Him: Yeah, I’m like a carnie, now!
Me: A carnie? When did this happen?
Him: Last night! I was just hanging around and I asked for a job!
Me: So what do you do?
Him: I’m dressed up like a mad scientist. I have a lab coat and everything!
Me: A mad scientist? What do you have to do?
Him: I run like a fucking freak show or something!

Maybe you have to know the guy to find this as funny as I do. On top of everything, during the year he studies biology, and actually has to sincerely wear a lab coat. We all kind of figured he would eventually become a mad scientist, just not in this form.


Blogger Ubermilf said...

Does he look anything like this?

6:03 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Leigh said...

I L-O-V-E David Cross. Ever see Mr. Show? He rules. Especially live. I saw him at the Comedy Connecgtion a few years ago, but he hasn't come back since...except for Mr. Show Live at the Orpheum...bastard... ;-)

8:04 AM  
Blogger kiri said...

As today is July 1, I have come from Miss Jennifer's blog to wish you wish you a VERY Happy Birthday, and a Happy Canada Day as well. Many happy returns!!

9:17 AM  
Blogger Dash Bradley said...

I never actually got to see him, so I'mj not sure what he looked like. Actually, he 's already lost the job, which is probably for the best. Jennifer, Mr. Show is the second greatest sketch comedy show ever made. You lucky fucking american! I don't think he's ever come to Canada. And thanks, Kiran, that's sweet. I'll love you forever.

12:04 PM  

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