Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Goddamned hippies

So my friend told me that he and some of his dirty hippy friends are starting a magazine, and he'd like me to contribute. Now, he is a friend and it sounds like fun, but...
Look, when I was in university I must have contributed a piece to every fucking magazine that folded after the first issue. Maybe I'm bad luck, or something, or maybe producing a magazine gets really tired, really fast.
Hence, I'm kind of reluctant to submit something good. I mean, why work and slave and lovingly craft a work of fucking art (art I tell you!), if the magazine disappears instantly.
On the other hand, these are my friends, and I would like to show off my considerable prowess...
I find I must ask myself: What would Toshiro Mifune do?
Yes! That's it! I will scratch my beard and then cut their torsos in half!
Thank you, Toshiro


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