Sunday, December 12, 2004

I know, I'm a dick

I don't want to sound like too much of a dick, but I'm not sure about that marine who lost a finger to save his wedding ring. I mean, yeah, it's a sweet idea, but come on, it's just a ring. Now I should say that I count myself among the unwashed unwed, but I would think that a hypothetical spouse would rather have a husband with all his digits intact, than a husband with jewelry. I know, I know, the ring symbolises the eternal bond of your love that you share with the stars for ever and ever and ever etc. But it's still just a ring! It only has significance because we attribute significance to it. A finger, though, is truly irreplaceable, and in my experience rather useful. Losing a wedding ring in no way negates the marriage or the feelings behind it; it is a symbol. A finger is real, and tangible and if I were in that womans' place I would want my significant other free from harm, end of story.
But of course, I am a dick.


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