Sunday, November 21, 2004

Goin' down the road...

I haven't had a vacation in a really long time. The last vacation I had, I went out to my parents' cottage, alone. It's this large property that belongs to my grandfather, and a bunch of my relatives have cottages on it. No one else was out there, though, so it was pretty isolated. I kind of lost it, to tell you the truth. I started running around naked the first day, and I didn't sleep at all that night. The next night, there was a thunderstorm, so I went and stood naked beneath it (which was a trip). The third day, I was really starting to lose it, and I became convinced that a daddy long-legs spider was my spirit guide. If that was the case however, he/she was pretty inept at it. That night I became convinced that if I returned to the city on the fourth day, I would meet a girl. On the fourth day, I went home. After bathing, and becoming slightly more sane, I went to the bar with my friends and...
I met a girl. We only went out for a few weeks, unfortunately, so it wasn't like the love of my life or anything (I hope. Godammit spider. Where were you when I needed you?). Still, it was pretty weird. Of course, one could argue that it was just a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I prefer to think of it as a vision.
Anyway, I think for my next vacation I'm going to get a battered fedora and a bindle and go ride the rails. It'll be a depression-era hobo holiday! I'll ride into town and do chores for local housewives in return for vittles. I'll make a little camp by the tracks, and play my harmonica, dreaming of happier days. Eventually the local sheriff will run me out of town, and I'll head down the road.
Nothing wrong with that plan! Right?


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