A complaint
Oh fuck it, I just watched this comedy called In the Soup, with Steve Buscemi and Seymour Cassel. It sounded pretty good, and I love both those actors; but the movie was just okay. It wasn't really as funny as you think it could have been. But at the end Seymour Cassel, who plays a gangsterish character who is financing Steve Buscemis movie, is accidentally shot while in a scuffle with Jennifer Beals. I turned the movie off right there. What's the point? It's not like this was a hard-edged film about the wages of sin. It was a fucking comedy! Why did anyone have to die, much less accidentally. The only thing I can think of was that Seymour Cassels character was a criminal, who did some bad things during the movie. Hence he had to go, I guess.
Another example is House of Sand and Fog, which involves Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley in a dispute over who has legal claim to a particular house. Blah blah blah. Again the film was just okay; it basically follows Jennifer Connelly breaking down and Ben Kingsley trying to keep his family together. The story is pretty straightforward and even arrives at a point where Kingsley and Connelly might achieve some sort of understanding. Then the plot starts twisting and straining to put the characters in a position where Ben Kingsleys son is shot and killed, prompting Ben Kingsley to kill his wife and himself, out of grief. Woah! What the hell is that? Up to that point it was a realistic film about these characters and then it slips into complete melodrama. And again, what's the point? What are they trying to convey? Life is meaningless and pointless and difficult, and our attempts to find security and happiness will be cruelly swatted down by the hand of fate? Gee, thanks.
I think real people are pretty resilient, I think there are people out there who have survived horrible things, and have done horrible things. I think these people are still going about their business, planning and hoping and trying to make the best of it. I think it is an irritating movie contrivance that whenever there is any strife or conflict in life it will be resolved with violence. I think it's just lazy storytelling, in the end. I think it's far more interesting to imagine how people will live with their actions, not just to dispose of them.